Caitlin's Story
Caitlin is a 12 year old girl with a diagnosis of Optic Neuropathy.

Living with Optic Neuropathy
Twelve year old Caitlin Hannen Williams was diagnosed with Optic Neuropathy three years ago, with 1/60 vision in both eyes, indicating a significant impairment. As a result, Caitlin’s reading age dropped to below average, and since both her near and distance vision was affected, it impacted greatly on her overall academic performance. Children with Caitlin’s level of vision impairment require adaptive equipment to enable them to complete all visual, reading and writing tasks.

Granted assistive technology
Variety WA granted Caitlin a Read it Scholar and Monitor with magnification software which will enable her to reach her full academic potential and pursue her love for reading and art. “The equipment we were able to purchase for Caitlin with the grant from Variety WA has enabled Caitlin to continue with her love of reading,” her mum Raquelle said. “Despite having such low vision, Caitlin is keeping up with her peers at school with her literacy – a direct of the use of her amazing technology she now has to use at home.”