Leave a Gift in your Will to Variety WA

FREE online Will-writing service with our friends at Safe Will for limited time only

Your legacy will unlock the potential for the most deserving of kids and will go a long way promoting inclusion, well-being and independence. It will allow cherished Variety kids to gain practical access to the community for essential medical appointments, education and extra-curricular activities. Providing hope to know that someone cares.

We are offer a bespoke legal Will writing service courtesy of our friends at Safewill for only $160  ‘APPLY HERE’.

We’ve made it easier than ever for you to include a gift in your Will to Variety WA, if you would like to do so. A gift as small as 1% will help support kids and families who are facing many challenges through disability, sickness and experiencing disadvantage.

It will change lives. Your gift will play a crucial role in ensuring Variety can continue to support Western Australia families when they turn to us for help.

It doesn’t affect your lifestyle today. Making a decision to include a gift to Variety in your Will enables you to consider a gift that you might not be able to afford today, but would love to make if you could. And you can speak with the team at Variety how you would like your gift to be used, so you can fully appreciate its impact.

You can review and download our Bequest Brochure here.

Find out more

For more information or to speak to someone about your intentions, please contact our Gifts in Wills team on (08) 9355 3655 or fill out the form below.