Meet Liam

April 3, 2018 by Variety - the Children's Charity

How You Showed Heart

Thanks to your generous support of the Variety Show of Hearts Appeal, we were able to provide assistance to children who would otherwise miss out on life-changing equipment. 

One of those children directly impacted by your support was Liam.

Liam’s mum Melissa made a desperate call to Variety when his leg brace broke.

Liam is a very active boy, but due to cerebral palsy affecting his right side, the muscles around his right ankle are weak. Without the special device (an ankle-foot orthotic called a KiddieGait), Liam could cause damage to his ankle requiring surgery.

Thanks to your support in the Variety Show of Hearts Appeal, Variety was able to fund this device for Liam so he could once again safely join in with his friends and in day to day activities. 

With the government waitlist for the $1,500 device being more than 2 years, it was inevitable that Liam would have caused damage to his ankle without your help.

The KiddieGait ensures that Liam is safe when he is out and about, and allows him to be as mobile as possible by holding the position of his foot and ankle during walking and running.

On receiving the call that our wonderful donors, like you, had come to the rescue, Liam’s mum said,

“We are so grateful to have this device funded by Variety, I can’t wait to tell Liam he will be able to join in at all the sports at school.”

So on behalf of Liam, his mum Melissa and all the children we are able to assist thanks to your support – 


Janette and the team at Variety – the Children’s Charity

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