Archie’s 100

In early 2020 the Green family lost their amazing son Archie “Bear” at age 7, in a tragic boating accident.

Archie was a kind, sharing, giving boy who loved life, friends, family and especially his little brother. Out of this tragedy, Archie became an organ donor and from this incredible gift, he was able to give life to 5 strangers.

Each year Archie’s Heavenly Birthday is celebrated by honouring his amazing legacy and acknowledging the wonderful emergency service workers who dedicate their lives to saving others.

‘Archie 100’ events celebrate an incredible life lost too soon and make a positive difference for the future. Through “Archie’s 100” funds raised will go towards funding the best equipment, research or patient care at the Royal Hobart Hospital’s Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit.


Organ & Tissue Donation Project – Adelaide Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara Inc.

We want all Australians to talk about organ and tissue donation. If you want to be a donor, make sure you tell your family and friends.

Registering is easy and only takes one minute. All you need is your phone, Medicare card and one minute to register. It doesn’t matter how old you are, your medical history, your lifestyle, what country you’re from or how healthy you are — you can still register as an organ and tissue donor.

Join the Organ Donor Registry

After his accident Archie received many units of blood from Red Cross Lifeblood which gave his family more time.

We encourage people to donate blood through the link below and request to be a part of Archie Bears Superheroes Lifeblood Team.

Join Archies Lifeblood Team

The story behind the logo

Archie, affectionately known as Archie “Bear” used to count all the time, with little counting sessions in the car up to 100. His favourite colour was green – he loved lime milkshakes each of these elements were combined to create the Archie’s 100 logo.