Car 100: ‘The Addams Family’

Warren Piatanesi, Tony Cavuoto, Michael Cavuoto

South Australia 2021

Car 100: ‘The Addams Family’

Theme: The Addams Family
Car: 1985 Ford Falcon
Crew: Warren Piatanesi, Tony Cavuoto, Michael Cavuoto

Bio: Introducing the Addams Family Car 100. Our team members include Michael Cavuoto, Johnny Calabria, Tony Cavuoto and Warren Piatanesi. This has been something we have wanted to do for many years and something in our hearts told us 2020 would be the year! We have started the journey in a really positive way and can’t wait to see what the next few months bring our way in the lead up to August. We are all family men with Michael and Johnny both having a little boy each and Warren and Tony being in a different phase of life having both teenage and adult children and even grandchildren. We really hope we can make a difference and touch the lives of those around us and set a great example for our families. We are really looking forward to meeting many families and for a truly humbling experience.

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