Include Us In Your Will

Once you have provided for loved ones, a gift to Variety in your Will can make a real difference to kids in need.

Why leave a gift?

By including a gift to Variety in your Will, you can make a huge impact on the lives of children in need, now and into the future. Once you have provided for your loved ones, you may wish to include a percentage of the remainder of your estate to Variety.

This will help so many children who are sick, disadvantaged, or living with disability to have a fair go and attain their full potential.

It will change lives. Your gift will play a crucial role in ensuring Variety can continue to support South Australia families when they turn to us for help.

It creates a legacy. Leaving a gift in your Will is one of the most effective and long-lasting ways you can impact a cause that is close to your heart. Whether that’s helping kids who have special needs, or those who are sick or disadvantaged, you will make a difference.

It’s easy. It doesn’t take long to make a difference—a simple Will can take as little as one hour to do.

It doesn’t affect your lifestyle today. Making a decision to include a gift to Variety in your Will enables you to consider a gift that you might not be able to afford today, but would love to make if you could. And you can even discuss with the team at Variety how you would like your gift to be used, so you can fully appreciate its impact.

How to leave a gift in your Will

Including a gift to Variety in your Will is a simple process. Just follow these steps:

Contact our Gifts in Wills team.

We would love to hear from you and are here to help ensure you have all the information you need. You can email or call (08) 8293 8744.

Discuss your decision.

Consult your legal advisor to ensure the option you have chosen best reflects your intentions. Then discuss your decision with your family to ensure they understand and support your reasons for choosing to help Variety in such a powerful way.

Please let us know.

Once you have remembered us in your Will, please let a member of our Gifts in Wills team know. You don’t have to tell us, but we would love the opportunity to thank you and keep you updated on our work.

Types of gifts in Wills

Residual legacy: A residual legacy is a portion of your estate, or the balance remaining after loved ones and expenses are provided for. A residual legacy is the best type of gift because it maintains the relative value of your gift and automatically adjusts to changes in the value of your estate. This is the legacy type we ask our supporters to consider because it should not decrease in value over time.

Specific amount of money: This type of gift is sometimes called a pecuniary legacy. A pecuniary legacy allows you to nominate a specific amount of money.

Specific items of value: Anything of value, such as property, shares, jewellery or works of art, may be specifically named in your Will and given directly to Variety.

Not sure? We recommend that you seek the advice of an independent solicitor or qualified legal advisor before making or revising your Will. You should also seek qualified advice before choosing executors to administer your estate.

Will wording

To ensure your intentions are correctly followed, it is important to word your Will or codicil correctly. The suggested wording for your gift is set out below.

“I bequeath [ ___ percent of my residual Estate / the sum of $ ______ (choose one alternative)] to Variety – the Children’s Charity (SA), 68 Richmond Road, Keswick, SA 5035, to be used for any high priority needs of, or connected with, Variety – the Children’s Charity (SA) and I further declare that the receipt of the secretary, trustee or other officer of Variety – the Children’s Charity of South Australia Incorporated is sufficient release for the executors of the Estate without seeing to the final distribution of the funds.”

Find out more

For more information or to speak to someone about your intentions, please contact our Gifts in Wills team on (08) 8293 8744 or fill out the form below.