Variety Bash 2020

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Important Update

In response to feedback and the current and evolving guidelines due to coronavirus (COVID-19), we have made some decisions about the upcoming 2020 Bash. These decisions haven’t been made lightly, and they’ve been made with the health and wellbeing of our Variety family as our top priority.

This year, the six-day combined Bash and 4WD Adventure event – the Variety Bash Adventure – will take place from Monday 9th November to Saturday 14th November 2020, heading from Bundaberg to Noosa via Nindigully.

Check out the Bash Adventure

Winton to Barossa via Birdsville Races: 31 August – 9 September

The Variety Bash is not a race or a rally. It’s an adventure with mates driving 30 year old plus cars through regional parts of Australia that you might otherwise not see, all in support of Variety – the Children’s Charity. This year we travel from historical Winton to Birdsville for the legendary races, and finish the ultimate road trip in Barossa, one of the world’s great wine regions.

Fill in your details below so you receive your free Variety Bash Handbook. Ready to sign up? Spots are limited, so register today or contact us on 07 3907 9300 or [email protected] for more info.

What can I expect?

Fun days and nights

As you take in some of the country’s best tracks and scenery, make new friends with Variety’s famous fun stops and games along the way (and party-filled nights)! You’ll also be part of grant presentations to local kids and communities to see first-hand how Variety uses the funds you’ve raised.

Full on-road support

You’ll never be left behind on the Variety Bash! Radio communications, mechanical assistance and a scout to check the tracks are all there to ensure that you’re safe. But most importantly, we’re there to make sure you have fun!

We take care of everything

Meals, entertainment, fun stops and school visits – sign up and we’ll take care of you! We help you with advice on how to prepare your car and help you reach your fundraising goals

Meet Aussie Rock

Aussie Rock has been an annual fixture on the Variety Bash since 2011 and is a favourite theme among Bashers, with their signature Aussie Rock playlists blasting from their 1978 Ford Fairlane with over 4,000 watts of amps and speakers.

They’re also a great team to chat to about fundraising, having raised an incredible $345,000 for Variety during this time. In addition to securing corporate sponsors, they put on some amazing community events both involving and raising money for local kids. From dance parties at schools, to a dinner dance with authentic Italian fare, Aussie Rock knows how to have fun and put smiles on kids’ faces.

“We do it to help other kids and enjoy meeting the families of the kids we help,” says Sue Whittam, crew member of Aussie Rock.

Entry Details

Each car commits to raising $8,500 to help kids in need, but on average teams raise $15,000 because of all the support we provide. What makes this Bash special? You get to meet some of the kids you have directly assisted as we travel through this great country!

A per person provisions levy is set closer to the event and covers your meals, entertainment, transfers and merchandise. As a guide, the 2019 provisions levy was approximately $1300 per person. Accommodation is at your own cost.