August 7, 2024 by Variety QLD Admin

Lincoln’s confidence soars thanks to new wheelchair

Lincoln, aged 9, can only walk a few steps unassisted, so requires mobility assistance. But Lincoln’s old wheelchair was causing him discomfort – it didn’t fit him too well, and frequently hurt his back. As a result, Lincoln couldn’t keep up with his peers and join in with school activities.

Lincoln does not receive NDIS, and so the cost of $26K to upgrade him to a powered wheelchair was out of reach.

Thanks to your help, Variety Queensland was able to upgrade Lincoln to a powered wheelchair – and it has been a game-changer for him!

Lincoln’s confidence has soared. He’s engaged more than ever with his schoolwork and social life, too.

It is amazing how one item, like a powered wheelchair, can truly transform the day-to-day experience for disabled kids, making every moment more accessible.

A huge thanks from Lincoln and his family for your support! The family loved taking part in our 2024 Variety Bash final night celebrations at Sea World, and Lincoln and Dad had a bash riding the Jet Rescue roller coaster!

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