January 23, 2023 by Variety QLD Admin

Variety’s Financial Literacy Program teaches everyday money skills to kids at Queensland special schools. Through the program kids learn important skills including how to create and stick to a budget, manage bills, make informed financial decisions and understand their financial rights and responsibilities.

Kids living with a disability are at high risk of being targeted by financial scams once they leave school and turn eighteen. The expression goes there are ‘vultures waiting at the gate’ for when a vulnerable child becomes legally entitled to make their own financial decisions. Variety’s Financial Literacy Program equips these kids with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed financial decisions that will set them up for a healthy financial future.

The program was launched last year and has since received great feedback from the families and kids involved.  Kids involved became more confident when navigating day to day tasks like buying groceries and making decisions about their purchases. In the long-run, the program will empower them to live more independently as they become young adults.

Pictured above: Variety Financial Counsellor Milly congratulating Jordan for completing the course

Further to this program, Variety also launched a Money Buddy initiative. This is a financial helpline service that kids can call to speak with a Variety Financial Counsellor within minutes. In difficult situations, such as being pressured to sign up for a credit card, or being scammed by a fraudulent company or person, a Variety Financial Counsellor can be right there on the other end of the phone to help them make appropriate decisions. They can also call when they are simply feeling confused about money or have a money concern, like when planning to make an expensive purchase.

Variety’s aim for the Variety Financial Literacy Program and the Money Buddy initiative is to break the cycle of poverty for people living with a disability. In 2023 the programs will be run at more Queensland special schools and delivered to more students, to make an even greater impact in the lives of kids living with a disability.

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