We all try hard to be healthier and more active, so why not smash your fitness goals and give Aussie kids a fair go at the same time! Get your mates together and become a Caped Crusader by participating in your local fun-runs, Spartan Races, Color Runs or Tough Mudder.

Caped Crusaders can participate as an individual, or with your friends, family or colleagues.

Variety doesn’t receive your fun-run entry fee so the more funds you raise, the more sick, disadvantaged and special needs kids we can help!

You truly are a hero for kids in need by fundraising, so why not look the part as well? Win these super cool Caped Crusaders items when you reach:

$100 running singlet

$500 CAPE!

Both red and designed to make you go faster!

Ready for take-off? There are events for all abilities and fitness levels. Click here for more information on upcoming events in your area or to sign up to our Caped Crusaders team today!

We are here to assist you with fundraising tips, guidance and resources. We want to make sure you reach your full fundraising potential and have fun doing it.