Luke's Story

Give a young child a chalkboard and they will have a scribble or maybe practice their A, B, Cs. When Luke’s mum, Katherine, handed him a chalkboard at age 4, he drew music notes.

“I’ve always known he was creative musically. I’m a musician and I also teach music theory and from a young age he would use my notation software to try and write out film scores from memory,” she says.

Now a Year 9 student at Northmead Creative and Performing Arts High School, 15-year-old Luke has a broad range of musical passions and film interests.

A talented cellist, Luke achieved an A for Grade 6 AMEB cello and a 96% for Grade 3 Music Craft. He plays cello in the Western Sydney Youth Orchestra and was also an ambassador for the Sydney Youth Orchestra during the 2021 Covid-19 lockdown, helping to develop their online programs.

Luke is also passionate about stop motion animation and film music composition, studying the latter with Professor Ken Lampl from the Australian National University School of Music.

“Ken is the Convenor of Composition for Film and Video Games and he studied with John Williams, who has composed some of the most popular and acclaimed film scores in cinematic history,” says Katherine.

“I asked Ken if he consider giving Luke online lessons and when they started working together, he told me he’s one of the most amazing students he’s ever seen.”

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