Variety Bushfire Response

January 8, 2020 by nswadmin

A special message from Variety in the wake of the recent bushfires.

We are incredibly saddened to see the devastation caused by the recent bushfires, and like so many, all of us at Variety – the Children’s Charity NSW/ACT are planning how we can helpfully assist and support kids and their families in need in fire affected areas. We will be consulting with our partners and other organisations in impacted communities to determine the most efficient and useful ways that we can respond by providing help where and when it’s most needed. 

We are working with local communities to determine the medium to long term needs this fire season and are accepting donations that will go towards helping kids in need in these areas. 

​​If you or someone you know has been impacted and are in need of support now, reach out to us directly by calling 02 9819 1000 or emailing [email protected] to discuss how we may be able to help. Useful resources and links including updates for NDIS participants and families are also published on our website and Facebook page and will be updated regularly. 

Like so many we are incredibly proud and thankful for the efforts of the firefighters and volunteers on the ground. Our thoughts are with those all over the country, including our Variety family, who are dealing with the impact of this crisis.  

David & the Variety NSW/ACT team

David Sexton
Variety – the Children’s Charity NSW/ACT, CEO

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