Variety Brydens Lawyers B to B Bash – Day Seven

August 4, 2019 by nswadmin

Day seven has arrived – destination the Gulf of Carpentaria. Georgetown State School put on another great breakfast for the Bashers, and received a donation of $6,000 worth of sporting equipment. There might only be 33 students at this small rural school, but they punch above their weight in sport, competing in tournaments all across Far North Queensland.

The lunch stop served up a real treat for the Bashers, with the owners of Clareville Station firing up the barbie. Variety Chair John Dennis started a fundraiser for young Archie, 11, to make it to Canberra for a school excursion next year. Archie wants to visit the War Memorial and Parliament House, and is on his way thanks to the generosity of the Bashers with over $3,000 raised,

Mid-afternoon the Bashers rolled into Karumba, taking in the amazing scenery of the Gulf and settling in for an evening of seafood and great tunes.

Don’t forget to follow the Bash journey on Facebook and Instagram, as well as the Bash Map for all the daily pictures and video highlights.

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