Variety Postie Bike Dash – Day 4

March 9, 2022 by Bash Office

Tumut - Boorowa - Goulburn

Rested and refreshed after a half day Tuesday in Tumut this morning we were treated to a fantastic breakfast by the Snowy Valley School at the Riding for the Disabled Tumut facilities. Whilst there we grant Snowy Valley School with $7000 worth of technology, including iPads and charging stations for the students to use. A small school, Snowy Valley School is a special education school of 28 students that travel from across the region to attend. It was lovely to meet the principal and some of the teachers.

Leaving town we drove alongside the Murrumbidgee River, a very full Murrumbidgee River we might add. What a gorgeous sight to see the River so full and the lush green riverbeds, with sheep and cattle very happily grazing nearby.

We were also surprised to see a crop dusting plane loading up for the day. It’s not every day a postie bike and a plane meet.

It was a cool morning but sunshine had been promised and sunshine we got. The Lower Lachlan region turned on the sunshine for us today and we hope to see more of that sunshine across the state.

Lunch we stopped in the gorgeous little town of Boorowa for lunch at the Kelly Irish Pub. A surprise gem, there was good coffee and good shopping to be done before it was back on the road for our trip to Goulburn.

More sunshine and more brilliant gravel to ride on, though sadly some of that gravel was roadworks which slowed our trip a little. The afternoon ride was another cracker.

Tomorrow we leave Goulburn for Black Springs and Bathurst.

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