Postie Bike Dash 2020 is on the road

November 1, 2020 by Bash Office

Back for its 7th year today we road out of Tamworth with 70 odd postie bike riders, many of them for their first-ever ride. There are fathers and sons, fathers and daughters, workmates and old mates all getting together for a week of riding on old postie bikes. You can see us leave town here.

Leaving from Pirates Rugby Club there was a real sense of excitement at the chance to be on the road together again. Its been a long year and it was clear everyone was ready to get out on the road.

Our route started strong with a gorgeous ride up through Nundle, for lunch in an historic pub in Moonan Flat and then over the Barrington Tops. The riders received a particularly warm welcome through the little town of Barrington with families taking the time to put out welcome signs (there were also reports of kids waving from the backs of their horses, apparently waving to their dad who was on the event).

A particular shout out to our sponsors First National Real Estate, Tamex Transport and Australia Post. These incredible sponsors don’t just put their logo on the shirts (yes, everyone goes home with a commemorative shirt) but they are here riding with us or in Australia Posts case helping to get goods/mechanics to where they need to be each day. It’s wonderful to have such incredibly involved, passionate sponsors as part of this event.

We are thrilled that tomorrow we will be able to present grants to two schools – Gloucester Public School who’s beloved Peace Park our grant will give some much-needed upgrades to and Comboyne Public School who will be able to buy new technology, such as iPads, to help kids literacy and numeracy skills.

If you want to check out the full route head to the event page here. For more photos head to our Instagram and check out the story highlight.

Tonight we sleep well in Gloucester, ready for a big week ahead of riding.

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