Katinka is standing tall thanks to Variety

October 3, 2018 by nswadmin

Katinka is a bright, smiley teenager who loves to go swimming and do Zumba. But for the past 12 months she has been confined to a wheelchair. Katinka has Down Syndrome and as part of her disability, has extremely low muscle tone.

Katinka was able to walk a short distance on her own, but after some surgeries and other health matters, she needed the help of a walker.

Her family approach the NDIS to fund the $6,000 walker, and after a lengthy wait was denied. Katinka all the while asking her family and physiotherapist when her walker was arriving so she could get around on her own two feet again.

The longer Katinka had to use the wheelchair meant she had an increased chance of her never being able to stand on her own again.

So her family turned to Variety – the Children’s Charity for support and thanks to the Variety community, Katinka is now standing tall, having fun in the playground at school, going for walks with her family, and enjoying Zumba with the aid of her new walker.

Not only does it allow her to take part in everyday activities, it also gives her greater freedom of movement, increases her muscle strength, joint range and endurance.

“We can’t thank you enough, not only what you have done for our family, but for all the families out there that need a little help,” Katinka’s mum Mary said.

“All of Variety are unsung heroes in our book.”

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