Hair With Heart – Meet Holly

August 7, 2018 by nswadmin

Meet Holly, from Castle Hill.

About three years ago Holly begun growing out her hair. Whilst she’s always loved having long hair, she had always had in the back of her mind that she’d like to donate it. Unfortunately, Holly’s Uncle was diagnosed with cancer last year, followed by her Mum, Rosemary, this year, and she knew now was the right time.

Holly chose not only to donate her hair, but also to fundraise in support of her big chop. For Holly, cutting her hair was playing her part and she wanted to ask others to do their own part by donating.

Supported by her generous family, friends and community, Holly raised over $4800!

Originally, the chop was going to be a fairly quiet event, but as a surprise for Holly and to recognise her incredible achievement and selflessness, Mum, Rosemary, organised with the school for the big chop to happen during an assembly!

Holly chopped off over 45cm of her long locks, surrounded by her family, friends, peers and teachers! And has since been enjoying her new, somewhat shorter haircut.

Her hair donation is now one of almost 20,000 ponytails donated to Hair With Heart in the past five years. These hair donations are made into specialised wigs for those who have lost their hair due to a medical condition.

Funds raised through the sale of the hair and fundraising efforts, like Holly’s, go to Variety’s grants and programs to give Aussie kids in need a fair go.

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