Coronavirus COVID-19 impact on Variety motoring events

March 20, 2020 by nswadmin


As the world faces an unprecedented public health crisis, Variety is facing a critical situation that was inconceivable just a few months or even weeks ago.

As the situation changes on a daily, and sometimes hourly basis, much of our focus has been on ensuring the health and safety of our volunteers, our Variety kids and their families and our staff while trying to understand the impact the spread of Covid-19 and the measures being taken by Government at both the State and Federal level will have on Variety’s events planned for the coming six months and beyond.

Based upon current Government recommendations and restrictions being imposed, the NSW/ACT Board has reviewed all available medical advice and has been forced to postpone the Variety NSW Bash event at this stage.

In the absence of any further travel restrictions being announced, we anticipate making a formal decision on our remaining Motoring Events for 2020 within the next 90 days based upon prevailing medical and Government advice at that time.

We are also looking at alternative arrangements potentially later in the year / early 2021 and will keep our motoring events community, volunteers and sponsors appraised of any updates to this position and how funds raised now will be allocated to these future events. As a Board, we all understand how disappointing it is for participants if these events cannot go ahead based upon current restrictions and ongoing medical advice.

Our passion hasn’t changed. The demand for grants is forecast to increase in communities hit by this virus and we’re determined to continue to support Australia’s most vulnerable children during this crisis.

But as a charity that does not rely on Government funding, and has over the years relied heavily on the fundraising success of our iconic motoring events, this current crisis will have real ramifications for our ability to continue to provide support – support that is now needed more than ever as sick, disabled and disadvantaged kids and their families are significantly more vulnerable to the negative medical and financial impacts arising from the Covid-19 virus.

We cannot continue supporting those families when they need it most if our motoring events participants stop raising funds due to this cancellation. I am reaching out to you to ask that you continue to contribute to Variety and continue fundraising.

For 45 years, Variety has supported Australian kids. We know this is a challenging time for everyone. We ask you to be patient with us and our team of dedicated staff as we work towards exploring alternative arrangements and to please, continue to look at ways of raising funds to support our most vulnerable kids. On behalf of Variety, thank you for your continued support and loyalty. We look forward to seeing you on a motoring event soon.

John Dennis
Chair on behalf of Variety – the Children’s Charity NSW/ ACT Board

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