Celebrating National Volunteer Week

May 20, 2021 by nswadmin

The Beatles may have sang about getting by with a little help from their friends but if we were to write our very own Variety anthem, it would be hard to go past the enormous amount of help we receive from our volunteers! 

This National Volunteer Week we are celebrating those dedicated individuals who are the backbone of our organisation. 

It would be impossible for us to help as many kids as we do without the tireless work of our volunteers. 

From outings with the kids to taking part in fundraising efforts and events, we are lucky to have more than 1000 volunteers who regularly contribute their time and effort, some over many years. 

There are so many stories we could share of the incredible support we receive but with the NSW Bash on the road this week, we thought it only best to sing the praises of two of our loyal volunteers without whom our motoring events could not run. 

Kevin Leahy OAM and Mark Peterson are currently making their way through outback NSW.  As long time Bashers, they began volunteering on the NSW Bash event 25 years ago. Over the years, they’ve taken on responsibility for all kinds of crucial roles and this year, they are in the official sweep vehicle.  

For those not familiar with Bash lingo, this means they’re the last ones into town at the end of the day and their mission is to make sure that all 103 cars arrive safely. This is a vitally important job as we entrust them with the care of all 329 people taking part in this year’s NSW Bash. 

To reward and recognise them for their 25 years of service, Mark and Kevin were inducted into the Hall of Fame during a special presentation in Gunnedah this week with certificates and special gold name tags bestowed upon them by our Motoring Events team. 

To Kevin, Mark and all of our amazing volunteers – we say THANK YOU!  

To anyone who has ever thought about donating their time to a worthy cause – we say DO IT! Whether you’re a member of the community or part of a corporate team looking for ways to engage your staff through social responsibility initiatives, we have you covered with a variety of ways (pardon the pun!) to help us out and support kids in need.

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