B to B Bash 2022 Wrap Up

August 30, 2022 by nswadmin

Travelling with us on the Bash are 40 Official Volunteers. These wonderful people donate their time and expertise to make the event a great experience for entrants.

Wandering Workshops – John, John, Darren, Barry, Ron, Bruce, Wayne and Barbara keep cars moving and when they can’t, the tilt tray will, get the cars to town. The medics – Dr Andrew, Colin, Paramedic Greg and Peter do the same for our people (from on the ground and in the air).

Every morning before the first Bash car leaves town, our set up crew of Ron and Ian in OV2 head out to check that the Bash route is clear and safe (and when it’s not, they work with the team to come up with a Plan B). The teams in OV6, Kevin and Peter along with Ken and Kay in OV4 check the Bash cars in and out at the lunch stop and keep an eye on entrants to be sure everyone makes it to town. This is where you find Ron and Ian again in OV2 who are now on afternoon ChequePoint Duty to ensure everyone is moving along well during the afternoon. At the very end of the pack is ‘Sweep’ Vic and Lindsay in OV3 who are there to ensure everyone makes it to town.

Behind the scenes we also have the baggage truck team, Matt, Lesa and John in BT1, who make sure that any luggage that doesn’t fit in Bash cars, and the many boxes of donated gifts for each school, make their way safely to each overnight stop.

Capturing it all on camera are Anthony, Peter, John, Jonathan, Justin and George! It’s their work you would have seen on social media and below!

Super Hubert and Gary bring their magic show along for the ride, helping entertain kids at school stops along the way. This serves two purposes, it’s rare for regional schools to have a magician visit, but it also keeps the students safe as 100+ cars manoeuvre around the carpark.

There is Reg and Paul, our daily Start Arch gurus in OV10. They put up the Arch every morning and then head off to the day’s finish line where they set up a light tower to keep the evening ChequePoint (We hope the entrants arrive with more donation cheques!) well illuminated.

Traveling with our motoring events staff are David and Lindsay who do a million different jobs behind the scenes, and keep our staff of Stu, Rob, Bec, Vic and Janet well supported.

A long way from the Bash route is radio base, COMMS 1, in the very capable hands of Greg and Janette. Everything is coordinated through radio base to ensure that mechanics and medics know who needs them and assist with any rerouting Set-Up may need to do. A busy job with long days but Greg and Janette do an incredible job.

Each volunteer goes above and beyond for Variety and the Bash community. So, on behalf of all the entrants, we thank them for their commitment to the event and their passion for providing the best possible Bash experience for our entrants.

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