Variety NSW/ACT Welcomes National Autism Strategy

January 14, 2025 by nswadmin

Variety – the Children’s Charity NSW/ACT has welcomed the National Autism Strategy unveiled by the Federal Government today. 

CEO Tony Warner said the strategy is a vital step towards a more inclusive society for people living with Autism and much-needed education for the broader community. 

“For the past 50 years, Variety has been committed to our vision for all Australian children to reach their full potential, regardless of their ability or background,” he said. 

“Our crucial work opens doors to freedom and community, enabling children to thrive through the delivery of transformative grants and programs that create lasting change for children who are sick, experiencing disadvantage or living with a disability.” 

“For children living with Autism and their families, Variety funds assessments as part of the process for NDIS eligibility, together with playground equipment and educational resources to support the development of sensory friendly public spaces.” 

“While these programs have a price in dollars and cents, there is no price that can be put on removing a stigma that a child or a family may be facing.” 

“In addition, our Just Like You (JLY) program works with school aged children to cultivate empathy, acceptance and inclusivity among students by emphasising that individuals with disabilities share the same human experiences as everyone else and are ‘just like you and I.’”  

“In the past 12 months, JLY facilitators delivered workshops to 41,695 students at 171 schools across NSW and the ACT, positioning the program as one of the most extensive in-person inclusivity education initiatives in the region.” 

“As we mark the 50th anniversary of Variety in Australia in 2025, I welcome the  National Autism Strategy and the key opportunities it offers to work together with the State and Federal Government to continue addressing barriers for children living with Autism and to ensure our efforts can deliver the outcomes required to change lives for the better over the next fifty years and beyond.” 

For interviews with Variety NSW/ACT CEO, Tony Warner, please contact: Michelle Van Doninck, Variety Communications Manager – 0402 851 475 or [email protected] 

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