Partnering with Variety

Share our vision for an Australia where all children feel supported, included and equal.

Become a partner


Variety forges strong partnerships with businesses, offering a unique opportunity for companies to contribute to their community and towards a future where all children reach their full potential, regardless of ability or background.

Supporting those that need it most

Variety is dedicated to improving the lives of children living with disabilities, those facing illness or experiencing disadvantage.

When families are struggling to cope, Variety provides much-needed practical support.

Your business can make a positive, lasting difference to the lives of children in need. In return, your team will get to see the direct impact they are having on the children and families you support.

The scope of the need

1 in 6 children in Australia are growing up in poverty*

12% live with disability. That’s more than 500k kids aged 0-14 years+

24% vs 65% Participation rates in sport or physical recreation is significantly less for those living with disability^

* Poverty in Australia 2022: A snapshot is published by the Australian Council of Social Service, in partnership with UNSW Sydney
^ ABS, 2009
+ Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2020

Why Partner with us?

Partnering with Variety presents a valuable opportunity for businesses to make a positive social impact while achieving their corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals. Here are some of the key benefits:

Partnering with Variety offers a unique opportunity to;

Make supporting kids your business – By aligning with Variety’s mission, companies demonstrate a commitment to giving back to the community and supporting a worthy cause. This can lead to a more positive brand image and increased customer loyalty.

Scale our impact – Your support can result in the implementing of new programs or the growth of our existing events and programs to maximize impact for kids.
Connect and advocate – Leveraging your networks to spread the word of Variety’s mission and help to link us up with key decision makers.
Offer your expertise – Providing in-kind services to help us do better business with a focus on research, performance and business operations (including IT and risk).

Reach and connect with support, programs and services for kids in all cities and regions of Australia and make a positive impact.
Make a difference and support better the outcomes for kids when no-one else can.

What could a partnership look like?

We will work with you to create a tailor-made partnership that provides value to your organisation, while providing meaningful support to Variety. Through this shared-value model, we will work together toward an Australia where children feel supported, included and equal.

A partnership with Variety NSW/ACT could include a combination of the following engagement initiatives;

Financial support enables us to directly support kids who are sick, experiencing disadvantage or living with a disability via our grants, inclusion programs and scholarships.

Corporate donation (tax deductible)
Dollar match support for an appeal or campaign (tax deductible)
Sponsorship opportunities for Variety Events
Sponsorship of Variety Sunshine Coaches

Build pathways for your employees to get involved with:

Workplace Giving Program
Team Challenges

Cause-related marketing offers a strategic approach to brand building and sales growth. By aligning your company with a social cause you demonstrably value, you can cultivate a positive brand image. This translates to benefits such as ;

enhanced public perception
increased sales through attracting a wider customer base
favourable media coverage
fosters customer loyalty
strengthens relationships within your supply chain and retail partnerships

Businesses can also contribute to the provision of in-kind goods, services and skills will support operational efficiency and fundraising outcomes for Variety.

Pro bono services
Volunteering time and skills
In kind products that add value or impact

Offer network and audience support to expand our reach. Assist in the growth of the understanding of how we help kids and increase fundraising outcomes.

Cause-related marketing to share Variety’s mission
Grow connections between Variety and your business network
Give Variety a voice – we will happily present your impact at your conference or partner event.

Partnerships can provide Variety with much-needed financial resources to expand their programs and services.

There is still so much to do

Variety is actively seeking passionate partners to join their mission. If your business is looking to make a real difference in the lives of Australian children, Variety offers a multitude of ways to get involved. Contact us to explore how your company can contribute to creating a brighter future for children and young people in need.