Theme: Groovy

Car: 1984 Holden Caprice

Crew: Greg Mattner, Robert Parsons, Bryce Tonkin, Roger Coats

Bio: Car Groovy is back for 2019 with our famous velvet suits, ready for another year of stylish Bash action.

After a successful year trialling the Nespresso machine, we’ll be SUPER sharp early in the morning this year!

Bryce ‘Wildman’ Tonkin’s skilled team at Tonkin’s Car Audio, have re-worked our sound and light systems to ensure crisp, clear and LOUD sound from the mighty ‘8 ooooh 8’. We are not sure what, when and where ‘Mystery’ will be up to, but it will no doubt be historically memorable. Hopefully ‘Groovy’ Greg won’t be invoking a nude frisbee call!

There’s talk of Pasty getting his ‘Weee Jimmy costume’ out and with ‘Wildman’ talking of single malt, I’m sure there’ll be a fling around the campfire this year! Who knows, there’s even talk of a ‘Stop and Go’ augmented with a Fembot or two!

Sponsors we would like to thank:

Glynde Mitre 10; Tonkin’s Car Audio; Coopers Alehouse Wallaroo; Johnson Winter Slattery; Cutprice Truck Rentals.