Addison's story

Addison is a beautiful six year old girl, who is currently attending Pre-Primary. She loves the company of others, going for long walks, going to the park, playing with her two sisters and watching her favourite television shows.

Addison was diagnosed with rapid progression Retts Syndrome in 2012 after a history of developmental concerns since she was 7 months old.

Rett Syndrome is a neuro-developmental disorder that affects girls and results in deterioration of learning and loss of previously acquired skills.

Addison has a severe form, and experiences complications related to respiratory function, gastrointestinal function, expressive communication and motor skills.

Variety stepped in to help

addison02Most recently, Variety granted the Read’s car modifications so Addison could be safely transported with her whole family. Before Variety stepped in to help, Addison was sitting in a booster seat in the family car with no postural support. The vehicle didn’t have the capacity to be modified for use by Addison and other members of the family.

Now Addison is appropriately positioned in the car, preventing risk of scoliosis and further respiratory complications. She can go to social events with her family and access medical appointments a lot easier. The car modifications have ensured that there will be a decreased risk associated with transfers before Addison became any heavier. Addison now has an efficient form of transport given the considerable amount of time she has to spend in the car going to and from medical appointments.

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